Monday, August 16, 2010

Bach Transcriptions at the BBC Proms

I've written before about the joys of Bach transcriptions, and one of the BBC Proms concerts this year programmed a delightful set of Andrew Litton conducting the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, streaming for a few more days here. In addition to ever popular works like Respighi's version of the Passacaglia and Fugue, the program includes a suite by William Walton and new commissions from younger composers Alissa Firsova and Tarik O'Regan.


GP49 said...

After the availability of the concert on the BBC is over with (it runs seven days after the live broadcast) you can download the items played in the concert (minus the BBC commentary and the applause) at: long as the increasingly bumbling Mediafire doesn't mess with the files and lose them!

Caleb Deupree said...

Hi GP49, thanks for the link to the files and creating a wider opportunity to hear these pieces. Are these pieces from a US-based webcast, or did you capture these at a higher original bitrate?

5:4 said...

You can also get them here:
