Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Animated Parmegiani

Blogging has been a bit light recently. We're winding up some house projects, which should take up a few more weeks. But here's an interesting video in the meantime.

A while back I posted an article on Plain-Temps, Bernard Parmegiani's most recent work to be issued on CD. Today, I was looking for a photo of Parmegiani on the web, and stumbled across 'Un mission ephemère', an eight-minute animation from 1993 by Piotr Kamler for which he did the soundtrack. Parmegiani has been involved in video and soundtrack work throughout his career, and it's nice finally to be able to see one of his pieces. The owner of the video doesn't permit embedding, so you'll have to go over to YouTube to check it out.

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